Windows快捷键大全IE浏览器 显示前一页(前进键) ALT+RIGHT ARROW 显示后一页(后退键) ALT+LEFT ARROW 在页面上的各框架中切换 (加shift反向)Ctrl+TAB 这个键用来打开IE中的地址栏列表,要关闭IE窗口,可以用Alt+F4组合键 F4 刷新F5 强行刷新 Ctrl+F5 可以快速在资源管理器及IE中定位到地址栏 F6 激活程序中的...
即使在另一个快捷方式中使用了重映射的键,也会保留键重映射。 在此方案中,按键顺序很重要,因为操作是在 keydown 期间执行,而不是在 keyup 期间。 例如,按Ctrl+C会生成⊞ Win+left arrow+C。 按Ctrl键会首先执行⊞ Win+left arrow。 首先按C键会执行C+⊞ Win+left arrow。
Win+left arroworWin+right arrow: Snap windows Snapping a window simply keeps it open on one side of the screen (left or right, depending on which arrow you hit). This allows you to compare two windows side-by-side and keeps your workspace organized. Win+Tab: Open the Task view Like A...
然后就是按照你喜欢的方式拖拽应用到相应的窗口就可以了,还可以通过快捷键Win+Left/Right Arrow快速在多个区域之间移动你的应用 (如果快捷键有冲突,可以自行设置),FancyZones 还有很多高级设置,大家根据自己的喜好一次配置到位就好了 File Explorer Preview Mac Finder 自带文件预览功能,但是却没有渲染文件并预览的功能,F...
後續按鍵是由存取金鑰架構處理,在按下有效的存取金鑰之前,會拒絕無效的按鍵,或按下 Enter、Esc、Tab 或 Arrow 鍵以停用存取金鑰,並將按鍵處理傳回給應用程式。Microsoft Office 應用程式提供存取金鑰的廣泛支援。 下圖顯示啟用存取金鑰的 Word 的「首頁」索引標籤 (請注意對數字和多次按鍵的支援)。Microsoft Word...
Left 37 LEFT ARROW 键。 LineFeed 10 LINEFEED 键。 LMenu 164 左ALT 键。 LShiftKey 160 左Shift 键。 LWin 91 左Windows 徽标键 (Microsoft Natural Keyboard)。 M 77 M键。 MButton 4 鼠标中按钮(三个按钮的鼠标)。 MediaNextTrack 176 媒体下一曲目键。 MediaPlayPause 179 媒体播放暂停键。 Media...
Windows key + left arrow or right arrow Move and resize the current window to the left or right half of the screen. Save a screenshot Windows key + prt scr (print screen) Saves a picture of your screen as a PNG graphic file to a Screenshots folder in your Pictures library. Keys...
You can also navigate through it using the arrow keys on your keyboard, using the right and left arrow keys to expand and collapse elements.Selecting an elementThere are five ways to select an element to inspect:From the elements pane: Use the keyboard or mouse to navigate throug...
(That is, while pressing +Ctrl, tap the right or left arrow key.) Enter the Timeline again ( on the taskbar), and choose the desktop you want. When you make a switch, you see a flash of animation as one screen flies away and another appears. Now that you’re “on” the screen ...
{"arrowHeight":"8px","arrowWidth":"16px","maxWidth":"300px","minWidth":"100px","headerBg":"var(--lia-bs-white)","borderColor":"var(--lia-bs-border-color)","borderRadius":"var(--lia-bs-border-radius)","boxShadow":"0 0.5rem 1rem hsla(var(...