↑http://www.dailydot.com/esports/espn-dota-2-the-international/,《ESPN 'delighted' with 'Dota 2' numbers, looking to expand deeper into esports》,引用于2016年6月29日. ↑http://www.gamereactor.eu/esports/429953/German+TV+to+broadcast+ESL+One+Dota+tournament/,《German TV to broadcast ESL...
Tower Key EpicSkeleton KeyBundle Wind Rider EpicBattle PassSeason FourTier 51 Zealous Acolyte LegendaryGilded Age IIBundle Gallery For camouflage images, seeR700/Camouflage#Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. For attachment images, seeR700/Attachments#Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. ...
翻译黑话和术语合集 本篇对比了游戏内出现的各种角色名称、专有名词等的日服、国际服、国服版本和玩家常用黑话,无论是方便各位sensei查Wiki,还是促进各服玩家互相包容,互相交流,都有益处。 本文章使用表格来展示翻译、黑话与游戏术语的对比,下面对每一列的分类进行说明: 头图:指角色...
伤害为dot形式,先为非常密集的10跳,然后为正常的5跳,共15跳。 每跳伤害 = 288 * days - 8020 + uniform(0,70) 其中days为天数,有效区间为[31,75]。即第31天开始,第75天后伤害不再递增。 uniform()表示均匀分布。可取平均值35作为伤害估计,而伤害波动区间则为±525点。
小桃大招的灼烧DOT和辅助技能的攻击力增加,如果编队里有女仆绿的话也会触发;反之亦然.讲究的就是一个“通吃”. #42 0 0 Megrez_GK 2024/11/11日北京 韩配也配过某重工社长和某会长 #41 0 3 Snow_Stair 2024/09/23日江西省 如果你仔细看设定图图一,就会发现光环其实是歪的 好了,我猜你应...
↑ 9.0 9.1 Digital Monster 25th Anniversary Book –Digimon Device & Dot History–: "Transforming to a different species while remaining at the same level is called "Slide Evolution". While a Mode Change rewrites the data within a DigiCore, this is an even more astonishing event in which it...
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DoT Damage over time effect.DotA Defense of the Ancients: Allstars: a successful mod created from Warcraft 3. It has inspired similar games such as League of Legends. "Dota" is also used to categorize games of this particular sub-genre within the real-time strategy genre....
其他获胜者: sarahtyler, HannahAR, Raiyna, thefandomsarecool, Chickenfox, Anrisa Ryn, frabajulous, galdrasdottir, Judith Meyer, jazzmoth, RavenclawKiba, daraxlaine, Phiso, Billieboo, Victor Fonic, nikoftime, Aedra, amBarthes, and thaichicken ...