Most of the affected individuals do not receive treatment. Information about treatment use among adolescents and young adults, differentiated for the kind of treatment and anxiety disorder, age, gender and co-morbidity, is still missing. Methods: In a representative sample of 1...
Fuchs, Anne. "`Ehrlich, du lugst wie gedruckt': Gunter Grass's Autobiographical Confession and the Changing Territory of Germany's Memory Culture." German Life and Letters 60 (2007): 261-275.Fuchs, Anne. 2007. "`Ehrlich, du lugst wie gedruckt': Gunter Grass's Autobiographical Confession ...
CHIMIA International Journal for ChemistryKölbener, P. ; Ritter, A. ; Baumann, U. (1995): Wie vollständig ist der biologische Abbau: Ermittlung und Analytik refraktäter Verbindungen am Beispiel von linearem Alkylbenzolsulfonat. Chimia 49, 204–209...