Genome-wide analysis of a collective grave from Mentesh Tepe provides insight into the population structure of early neolithic population in the South CaucasusSOUTH CaucasusAZERBAIJANNEOLITHIC PeriodCULTURAL pluralismGENE flowIRANIANSGENOMICSDespite the localisation of the southern Caucasus at the outskirt of...
Monika.DzidowskaFaculty of Medicine and Health, Discipline of Addiction Medicine, NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Indigenous Health and Alcohol, The University of Sydney, Lev 6, King George V Building (C39), Sydney, NSW, 2006, Australia. E.Rau...
Grave, and A. Yariv, "Single-mode very wide tunability in laterally coupled semiconductor lasers with electrically controlled reflectivities," Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 58, pp. 1827-1829, 1991.Single-mode Very Wide Tunability in Laterally Coupled Semiconductor Lasers with Electrically Controlled ...