I'm open to being convinced on this: if I'm causing harm through my work I would like to know about it. So: why is advertising good? I mean, isn't it annoying when sites show you ads instead of whatever it is you want to read? The question is, what is the alternative? I ...
“When I married J I refused to give up my independence & rely solely on him,” she shared, noting that she has always worked and made her own money. “He knew how important it was to me to make my own money. But he did always say, ‘One day baby you ...
“But Nora,” you might say, “there’s another neighbourhood in Tokyo that’s just for women, with butler cafes.” Yes there is, and I haven’t been there so I can’t speak to the matter directly. But I’ll bet there isn’t a whole anime culture showing young boys in tight bulg...
“We don’t live in that world anymore,” adds Bohan Phoenix, an influential Chinese-American rapper. “If you’re still talking about the same shit as the American rappers who you were listening to when you were younger, that’s just unoriginal. None of these kids on the TV show are ...