Why is Excel not allowing me to insert rows? This can happen if your bottom rows aren’t clear, or if rows are protected. Add-ins and sheet protection can also cause this issue. What can I do if I can’t insert a row in Excel? If you’re in a hurry, you can copy data from ...
I have an issue where excel sticks in the background. Using Procmon I can see that the last thing it does is attempt to open a registry key: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Ripcord The key does not exist. Anyone know what excel is doing here? ...
Press theCTRL+1keys to open the Format Cells dialog box directly or you can use the Custom Ribbon to go to the Format Cells command.In the case of usingCustom Ribbon, select the data range >> from theHometab >> go to theFormatfeature >> choose theFormat Cellscommand. A dialog box na...