you could use the year your favorite sports team won big: SSSBC14 could stand for Seattle Seahawks Super Bowl Champions in 2014. It means something to you, so you’ll remember it, but isn’t easy for a hacker to figure
Amazon’s Black Friday deals roll seamlessly into Cyber Monday, offering a weekend packed with discounts you won’t want to miss. Adam Oram Palash Volvoikar Amber Guetebier Dec. 1, 2024 7:39 a.m. PT 11 min read Zooey Liao/CNET
Why Can\'t I allocate more memory? My memory allocation cant be changed for some reason. I have massive sessions going on. Getting the error about not enough memory (DAE -9006 - something about 'cannot make edit. protools is critically low on memory, please save and quit). My situation...
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