Enable javascript to display image 2. Why is my JPG image not showing up in HTML? If your JPG image isn't appearing in HTML, several potential factors might be causing this problem. These include incorrect file naming, case sensitivity, image location, and an inaccurate file path or URL. ...
Community Products Confluence Questions Why won't my image attachments upload?Why won't my image attachments upload? Melanie Warner November 7, 2018 Everytime I try to upload a photo onto my page I receive an error message saying it cannot connect to server. What's going on?Answer Watch Lik...
Why is my code not working? The image won't show in the overlay. var $overlay = $('<div id="overlay"></div>'); var $image = $("<img>"); $overlay.append($image); $("body").append($overlay); $("#imageGalery a").click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var imageLoca...