Q: Can I wash my rice cooker in the dishwasher? Each rice cooker has its own cooking instructions, and while some of the inner bowls can go in the dishwasher, there is not a hard and fast rule. It goes without saying, however, that you should never put anything with electronic compon...
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Energy efficiencySurveyResource consumptionSatisfactionEuropeThere is a large influence of consumer behaviour on the resource consumption of owners and non-owners of automatic dishwashers. Therefore, it was the task to explore what kind of habits and......
keep them dry and lightly oiled, keep them out of the dishwasher and please don't wash them with dishwashing soap. Believe it or not, try to clean it with
The question is answered from different perspectives: Why do owners of an energy efficient automatic dishwasher not use it properly and what arguments do non-owners have for not buying one?doi:10.1007/s12053-018-9648-2Stamminger, Rainer