Bill Whitaker: There's, like, a fundamental shift-- Melissa Williams: The great resignation. (LAUGH) Bill Whitaker: People who are saying and doing what you did. "I-- I-- I can do better than this. This isn't-- this isn't fun. This isn't me." Melissa Williams: Like you said,...
Dennis Culhane: Just for housing subsidies. But I should note that we spend about $12 billion a year just on the emergency shelter system, okay, which isn't solving people's homelessness. And even with that expenditure, you know, a third of the people still have no...
“if I had had more time, I would have written a shorter rulebook,” and this applies just the same whether those rules are meant for computers or for people. The fewer parts there are, the less they can interact in surprising ways....
not behind. We will face difficulties as all generations of people have, but there will be great things ahead for us as well. The line from a book comes to mind. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”. I think the future holds both the best of times ...