Nathan OlivarezGiles
But figuring out why deep learning works so well isn’t just an intriguing scientific puzzle. It could also be key to unlocking the next generation of the technology—as well as getting a handle on itsformidable risks. “These are exciting times,” says Boaz Barak, a computer scientist...
The only issue I have with this model is that it flies in the face of reality on the ground. I’m a fan of theprocessside of things, but the problem I have with the social justice contingent isn’t that they don’t do enough rule making. Quite the opposite. For most of the last...
saying, ‘Coming from a very religious upbringing, I thought maybe it would push me closer to God … but then it was kind of like ‘Not this, this isn’t going to help me’, and now I just don’t know where I belong’ (FP ...
Annie Lowrey
Will Oremus
Howard Yu
Will Oremus
Gordon Chang
Jeff Reeves