Since this eclipse is expected to occur around the time of dismissal for many schools across the country, it may be tempting for students to view it without the proper safety precautions while getting to and from their buses. That's why some school districts arecanceling classes earlyso kids ...
If you are under the path of totality, you can take your glasses off during the period of time where the Sun is completely blocked by the moon. In Pittsburgh, a total eclipse will not occur. We will only have around 97% of the sun blocked. It is a lot, but that is not enough to...
East Eclipses Them All; SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE; Why This Is the Year to Go for a Far East Holiday of a LifetimeYOU'D think that with a recession biting, a far-flung holiday in the Far East might be best put on a back burner for a while....
*The world’s oldest man is apparently a 111-old Brit named John Alfred Tinniswood. And of course when you reach that age, they always ask you for the secret of your longevity. And the answer is always something like “Do what I did.” Sohere are Tinniswood’s secret sto longevity: ...
Today is thefinal dayof the public comment period on the FCC proposal to eliminate the Title II common carrier classification of broadband providers and repeal or replace the net neutrality rules against blocking, throttling, and paid prioritization. ...