Even though McCain has not officially launched his campaign run, the Republican party is considering him a front runner. He has set up a presidential exploratory committee and recruited Terry Nelson, who was the national political director for U.S. President George W. Bush's 2004 campaign....
He said that’s typical in more obscure areas of state law that get little attention. When a law is so confusing, legal doctrine calls for judges to interpret it in favor of defendants, he said. “If this were baseball, the tie goes to the runner,” he said. “This is an alien ...
The Rabbit Runner An efficient alternative to the double-length sling is the Rabbit Runner, a 1970s Bill Forrest (legendary Colorado climber who made several major innovations in climbing equipment) design that’s still available from Metolius. A Rabbit uses the same amount of material as a sing...
Even though McCain has not officially launched his campaign run, the Republican party is considering him a front runner. He has set up a presidential exploratory committee and recruited Terry Nelson, who was the national political director for U.S. President George W. Bush's 2004 campaign....
Even though McCain has not officially launched his campaign run, the Republican party is considering him a front runner. He has set up a presidential exploratory committee and recruited Terry Nelson, who was the national political director for U.S. President George W. Bush's 2004 campaign....