One thing universally true of divination is that it employs ritual action to produce information. It is argued that in ritual a displacement of intention takes place which produces a deficiency in the intentional structure of the action. A hidden or counter-intuitive agent is inferred in a ...
But if you're anything like me, that panic-filled bump of energy doesn't immediately subside. Once a scary movie's screen fades to black, it's not uncommon to feel a lingering sense of stress -- even though we know the film is over and wasn't real. "When we engage with something ...
Most people associate the Satanic Panic with so-called “satanic ritual abuse,” a rash of false allegations made against day care centers in the ’80s, and with the case of the West Memphis Three in the ’90s, in which three teenagers whose wrongful conviction on homicide charges was based...
He does not conclude that every asset is like the planchette of a Ouija board, moving around as speculators shift their preference. And instead of concluding that the price of gold is really just the mirror of the price of the dollar, which is strong right now for readily visible reasons, ...
Superstitionis no new thing, it has prevailed in society for the entire duration of my lifetime, andsomeposit even longer! And for good reason, it’s cool as shit. Forget this new-age logicnonsensethat these so-called scholars are trying instil and consequently syphon all the fun out of ...