And before you start smugly thinking the rabbit’s foot is just yet another example of superstitious mumbo-jumbo given credence to by our silly ancestors, remember that even today many buildings skip a 13th floor (or 4th in some East Asian cultures), many airlines don’t have a row 13 on...
Even if most of us today don’t carry rabbits’ feet around with us, most of us are aware of them as a superstitious symbol of good luck. Why do we consider the rabbit’s foot lucky? Of all animals, why is a rabbit’s foot lucky? In fact, why would any animal be seen as lucky?
Why Has My Rabbit Started Thumping His Foot? WEEKEND: YOUR PETSRead the full-text online article and more details about "Why Has My Rabbit Started Thumping His Foot? WEEKEND: YOUR PETS" - Coventry Evening Telegraph (England), September 10, 2005Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)...
Sounds a bit alarmist,but one NYU professor is convinced we're heading in the wrong direction as a society. The amount of women enrolled in college in the United States is at an all time high, according to the theWall Street Journal, using data from the U.S. Department of Education. ...
We delve into the gourmet gastropubs, sustainable farms and bountiful local produce of the Cotswolds to round up the best places to eat in this bucolic corner of southern England.
Daily Mail (London)