在发布会前一个月,史蒂夫 · 乔布斯检查了新产品的软件,要求一个新的计算器设计。当时 iPad 的计算器和 iPhone 一样,只是尺寸比 iPhone 大得多。当时 iPad 软件开发团队的领导人 Scott Forstall 回答说,计算器并没有什么新设计,他试图说服乔布斯,计算器并不重要。乔布斯不喜欢这个计...
While we're speaking of apps, let's talk about another way apps can slow down your iPad. Most of us probably open an app, use it for a bit, open another app, and so on; we may have several apps all open at once at any given time. This isn't a problem in itself, but if Ba...