You don’t have to commit to a safari in Africa to track down big African game. The gemsbok, a species indigenous to Africa, wasintroduced to New Mexicoby the Department of Game and Fish in the 1960s. Today there are around 2,000 gemsboks in New Mexico, according to Outdoor Hub. ...
Patients howled too, about the high cost of dental work, and the feeling that they’ve encountered dentists who don’t have their best interests at heart. Here’s a typical letter: “My wife saw a dentist who quoted her $750. Then halfway through the job, when she was numb and had ...
Seven of my neighbors in Golden Gate Heights, San Francisco didn't pay for their house thanks to their parents. I am the only donkey who decided to work 70+ hours a week while saving 50%+ of my after-tax income to buy my own place. I should have just asked my parents for the dow...
Many executives wrongly believe that selling to businesses is the same as selling to consumers. As a result, they employ strategies that have worked in consumer-oriented businesses, like brand marketing, advertising, value pricing, and so forth. This concept turns up in comments whenever I write ...
I don’t believe at all and have no faith. I think having a God with a plan and all that is hogwash now. I think now, if there really was a God, a loving God, why would he not have let me find out earlier? Why? There was plenty of opportunities to let me find out. I thin...
葵つかさ(Tsukasa Aoi/30岁)个人资料: 出生: 1990年08月13日 三围: B88 / W58 / H86 罩杯: E Cup 出道日期: 2016年03月 星座: Leo 血型: O 身高: 163cm 国籍: 日本 简介: 暂无关于葵つかさ(Tsukasa Aoi/30岁)的介绍。 葵つかさ參演作品:...
渚みつき(Mitsuki Nagisa/22岁)个人资料: 出生: 1999年02月06日 三围: B82 / W56 / H80 罩杯: B Cup 出道日期: 2019年01月 星座: Aquarius 血型: n/a 身高: 155cm 国籍: 日本 简介: 暂无关于渚みつき(Mitsuki Nagisa/22岁)的介绍。 渚みつき參演作品:...
辻井ほのか(Honoka Tsuji/25岁)个人资料: 出生: 1996年06月29日 三围: B96 / W60 / H88 罩杯: H Cup 出道日期: 2019年03月 星座: Cancer 血型: O 身高: 172cm 国籍: 日本 简介: 暂无关于辻井ほのか(Honoka Tsuji/25岁)的介绍。 辻井ほのか參演作品:...
美谷朱里(Akari Mitani/24岁)个人资料: 出生: 1997年04月14日 三围: B83 / W58 / H86 罩杯: C Cup 出道日期: 2017年07月 星座: Aries 血型: n/a 身高: 166cm 国籍: 日本 简介: 暂无关于美谷朱里(Akari Mitani/24岁)的介绍。 美谷朱里參演作品:...