JC Hillerman wrote a comment in on my bio: I heard that Exchange was purchased by Microsoft, but it seems clear that you were working on new development...
I WaS PUt into an environment ComPleteIy new and alien to me, by God Or by my OWn StUPidit¾ to See how far I CoUld go, Or how hard I COUld fall. PerhaPS this WaS What fate had in Store for me SinCe the beginning: to CrUSh my SPirit With a hammer So that I had to mould ...
The person who wrote up that contract must have been either very stupid or very naive. This is going Soap Box, so I will leave it. Suffice to say, I have strong views on this. Click to expand... Why? The people who agreed to that as a condition of ...
And didn't I say in my initial post that I do NOT hope or wish harm on the Israelis? Yes, I did. Please don't twist this around. I'm the one asking questions -- sincere questions. I posted for the purpose of getting viewpoints and answers. Please don't start side-tracking the i...
HTML file was encoded as such. It was the only issue (albeit a pretty obvious one) during an otherwise flawless event. I apologize to President Obama, Speaker Boehner, and Jack Dorsey for the mistake. If the readers of the blog think it was stupid, imagine how we f...