Why Is Albert Shen Running for City Council?Holden, Dominic
the city plans on making an operations plan for the site available for the public by mid-October. And Bosch-Hastings said while there’s no specific target date for when the site will begin operating, the hope is that it’ll be up...
With the war in Afghanistan in full swing, the passage of The Military Family Tax Relief Act created a number of provisions to ease restrictions for military members on tax credits available to them and an extension by the IRS of its three-year period for amending a tax return. The act a...
Jeff Gold: I'm movin' forward. I got paid a couple of days ago. In all, there are about 11,000 homeless people in the Seattle-King County area, according to the latest government count. They make up roughly 1% of the city's population, but last year they account...
Why a Physicist Is Running for City CouncilKevork N. Abazajian
Candidates Tell Why They Are Running for CouncilByline: Amy Mclaughlin Daily Herald Staff Writer Two candidates are seeking to represent Des...Mclaughlin, Amy
(i.e., not a certifiable standard) included representatives of a large number of municipalities, county councils, and other regional organizations, as well as a state body, the Swedish Environmental Management Council, and the professional organization for Swedish local government, the Swedish ...