or simplynet foreign assets. This metric indicates a country's net claims on the rest of the world. If a country’s claims on the rest of the world exceed the claims against it, it has positive net foreign assets and is considered a net creditor. If ...
Will future leases be based on miles driven or on some kind of metric around battery health or number of charges? An argument could be made that a three-year lease is no longer workable because the time horizon is too unpredictable right now. What happens to ICE vehicles? As we...
None of this is in the rulebook, but it doesn’t have to be. The rulebook is the foot in the door, used to legitimize everything else. It is undoubtedly well intentioned, but it is wide open to abuse, and the 0-day exploits have been in the wild for years. Good intentions are w...
After a transgression, brands commonly use post-transgression communications to minimize consumer backlash (Coombs,2007). Communication research shows that the effectiveness of these responses depends on framing—that is, the effort to “select some aspects of a perceived reality and make them more sal...
Lameness is a painful clinical condition of the bovine locomotor system that results in alterations of movement. Together with mastitis and infertility, lameness is the main welfare, health, and production problem found in intensive dairy farms worldwide