It can be legitiamtely invoked by either side for a myriad of reasons, based on a myriad of historical evidence, depending on which you allow, or disallow, recognize, or not recognize- and don't foget which langauge it is 'officaly' written in, and what the 'translation' implies or ...
An 18-year-old boy in Georgiadrownsafter he is tied to a shopping cart and pushed into a lake while horsing around with friends after his high school graduation. A young man, 19,causes a multi-car accidentwhen he faints from holding his breath while driving through a tunnel in Portland, ...
And a million programmers, regardless of political party, groaned in unison.First, because someone screwed up their UTF-8 decoding, by not doing it, and second, because our President doesn't recognize a text encoding bug when he sees one! Well, maybe that second one w...