Why Vaccines Are Our Best Shot.Discusses the economic aspect of using vaccines to deal with bioterrorism. Problem with vaccines concerning return on investment; Developments in the process of making vaccines; Health risk of vaccines.CareyJohnEBSCO_bspBusinessweek Online...
Vaccines and teen sex Parents often underestimate the extent to which their teenagers are sexually active, studies show, which may explain some of the resistance to the vaccine: If you believe that your child will not have sex as a teen, and will never sleep with an HPV carrier, you may ...
They also found that the antibody response induced by live vaccines enhances the ability of immune cells known as phagocytes to kill bacteria in the very early stages of infection, but that a further type of immune cell known as the T-cell – again stimulated by the live vaccine – is sub...
Childhood vaccines: Why inflation is out of sight.Childhood vaccines: Why inflation is out of sight.Discusses the rise in vaccine costs: a single immunizing dose for diptheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTP) rose from $0.37 to $9.97, and a single dose to protect against polio (OPV) rose fro...
COVID-19 vaccines have been effective at keeping people from getting severely ill and dying from the virus, but they’ve required different boosters to try to keep on top of all of the coronavirus variants that have popped up. Now, researchers have discovered an antibody that neutralizes all...
Practical Resolutions for Everyone For starters, make your home safer. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 3 adults over the age of 65 falls each year. Many of these falls are preventable. Here's how to make a senior's home safer: Telephones should be in ea...
Why the gap between live vaccines?Presents questions and answer advisory on the gap between live vaccines. Rationale for the three-week gap between administering live viral vaccines; Details on the side-effects of the injection; Benefits...
Topics include a brief overview of the history of vaccines, the refusal to get vaccinated despite evidence that vaccines are effective against preventing infectious diseases, and why individuals should get vaccinated.LipmanAmericanMarvinAmericanM.
The article presents the factors that had little influence on a healthcare workers' decision to get vaccinated such as the willingness to protect themselves or patients at risk for complications if infected, a history of influenza and having direct patient contact....
Blame the Environment: Why Vaccines May Be Ineffective for Some People.EBSCO_AspInternational Journal of Virology