Peyronie' s diseaseis a fibrotic wound-healing disorder of the tunica albuginea. Although it may be precipitated by either blunt penile trauma or trauma incurred during sexual intercourse, as much...doi:10.1007/978-3-319-17202-6_15Enrico Spera...
Pryor JP. Correction of penile curvature and Peyronie's disease: why I prefer the Nesbit technique. Int J Impot Res 1998; 10: 129-31.Pryor P.Correction of penile curvature and Peyronie’s disease:why I prefer the Nesbit technique.IntJI m-potenceRes. 1998...
Pryor JP. Correction of penile curvature and Peyronie`s disease: why I prefer the Nesbit technique? Int J Impot Res 1998;10(2):129-31.Pryor JP.Correction of penile curvature and Peyronie’s disease: why I prefer the Nesbit technique.International Journal of Impotence Research. 1998...
diseaseNesbitprocedureIn Peyronie's disease I found that the complication rate after plaque excision and dermal grafting to be high and started to use the Nesbit technique for the correction of penile deformity. Since 1977, the overall results have been satisfactory in 82% of 359 patients. The ...