The terrifying dystopian world of Gilead comes to an abrupt stop at the end of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale when protagonist Offred is carted off to an unknown fate. But not so fast — a new change in the audiobook hints at a sequel to the 1986 classic.In...
” Atwood said in a statement. “The Handmaid’s Talehas been banned many times—sometimes by whole countries, such as Portugal and Spain, in the days of Salazar and the Francoists, sometimes by school boards, sometimes by libraries. Let’s hope we don’t reach the stage of wholesale...
Margaret Atwood is a famous Canadian writer. She is most known for her fiction, including bestselling novel The Handmaid's Tale; however, Atwood also writes poetry and short stories. She has won over twenty awards, including a Booker Prize....