“if I had had more time, I would have written a shorter rulebook,” and this applies just the same whether those rules are meant for computers or for people. The fewer parts there are, the less they can interact in surprising ways....
1.4. Types of use as a factor of PSU The type of use can be seen as a differentiating factor for PSU (Wickord & Quaiser-Pohl, 2022). The type of use and how it satisfies the user plays an essential role in this context. In an overall sense, a differentiation is made between social...
This brings us to the evaluation of the business case of a storage asset. First of all, we need to realise that storage assets don't produce power but only provide flexibility. Although we are aware storage operates can make use of several financial flows (a.o. balancing services), here ...
IBMers have a very mature understanding of today's new environment. They know the world is changing. They don't expect— or in many cases, even want — what business used to provide. What they do want is an opportunity and some help to learn and grow, so they can effectively compete ...