Tia Ghose
A dog’s sense of smell is remarkable. While humans only have six million scent receptors in their noses, dogs have around 100 million of them.1To put this into perspective, scientists have estimated that a dog’s sense of smell can be anywhere between 1,000 and 100,000 times more power...
Scent particles, in general, can revive memories that have been long forgotten. But why do smells sometimes trigger powerful memories, especially emotional ones? The short answer is that the brain regions that juggle smells, memories and emotions are very much intertwined. In fact, the way ...
Smell is fundamental to our experience and linked with a variety of emotional responses. Some smells repel us, while some invite us in. They’re a vital part of our world and our survival strategy. Without smell we become more depressed and, conversely, when we’re depressed we can’t sme...
9 Morning Sickness Remedies - That Actually Help! By Lauren Kaplan4 hours ago Music Album Review: Judas Priest's "Sin After Sin" (1977) By Ara Vahanian4 hours ago Future Cars How Invisibility Technology Can Redefine Automotive Design
LG Refrigerator – Why Does the Water or Ice Taste/Smell Bad? Troubleshooting Refrigerators 09/21/2023 Print Email Copy Link Share At a Glance If the water from your refrigerator has an odd taste or strange odor, it may be caused by an expired water filter, infrequent use of the dispenser...
Having smelly farts can be annoying. Whether it's food, constipation, or infection—here's what makes some farts smell so bad and what you can do.
Why? Because they can smell people. Dogs save lives. They help rescuers to find living people. But dogs are big and they can’t get into small spaces. So now a new research project is using a smaller animal to save lives : the rat. How does it work? First the rat is trained to ...
Bad breath that smells sweet can be an indication offeline diabetes. This will usually be accompanied by weight loss, excessive thirst, and excessive urination. Some cats that have had diabetes for a while may also suffer from damage to the nerves in their hind legs, resulting in a plantigra...
Your sense of smell may be a better memory trigger than your sense of sight. Here's why a whiff of apple pie may instantly transport you home in your mind