However, this 20-min limit is not based on clear empirical evidence on how well screeners can sustain their performance over time. Our study tested screeners in a 60-min simulated X-ray cabin baggage screening task. One group took 10-min breaks after 20 min of screening; the other group...
“if I had had more time, I would have written a shorter rulebook,” and this applies just the same whether those rules are meant for computers or for people. The fewer parts there are, the less they can interact in surprising ways....
In Table 1 the mean values and standard deviations of the raw scores for MPPUS, types of use (process use, social use, habitual use), perceived suffering due to own smartphone use, and screen time measurements 1 and 2 can be seen as well as the bivariate correlations between all variables...
IBMers have a very mature understanding of today's new environment. They know the world is changing. They don't expect— or in many cases, even want — what business used to provide. What they do want is an opportunity and some help to learn and grow, so they can effectively compete ...
The main point here is that only the presence of back-up capacity (ensuring that S(t)>0 when es is just below 1) will increase the price for which storage assets can sell, which will be just below the SRMC of the back-up capacity. The presence of a flexibility market in which ...
Five types of functions can be distinguished on this basis: (a) the function of establishing and terminating a legal relationship; (b) the enjoyment of work and its fruits, (acceptance); (c) the issuance of work and pay; (d) the management of the company’s internal market; (e) the ...