3.24% of Steam users used a VR headset in May, by far an all time high. But why the sudden jump? Companies like Meta, Valve, & HTC don’t reveal hardware sales figures. TheSteam Hardware Surveyremains the most reliable indicator of PC VR’s adoption. The survey is offered to a rando...
新鲜推荐 新鲜推荐 类别 类别 点数商店 新闻 实验室 推荐 > 相似物品 Why Am I Dead At Sea寻找类似的物品 有什么和 Why Am I Dead At Sea 相似? ¥ 21.00 被用户频繁应用于 Why Am I Dead At Sea 的标签也被应用于这些产品: 即将推出 免费游戏 免费试用版...
But how can anyone expect to go up the established leaders in the space? Well, for one, it’s still very early. The Steam VR-powered HTC Vive won’t debut until later this year, and Sony’s Morpheus and the Oculus Rift aren’t due out until early 2016. Starbreeze t...
Just for the fun of it, I played with thisdynamic loading ideaa bit more. My current WIP can be seen here:http://www.mikoweb.eu/tmp/LoadSteamDll.cpp(it is a console app already retrieving several of the dll's entry points - yet not all). By now, I believe that directly loading ...