If you still get the error message, you may have an inactive Epic Games account. Follow the steps below to determine if your Epic Games account is inactive.Verify if you can sign in to your Epic Games account: Go to the Epic...
After the Season 3 update, settings and stats sync to the Epic Online Services (EOS) Cloud and are shared across all your linked accounts. The account that was used to launchRocket Leaguefor the first time after the update will have its save data synced to ...
堡垒之夜 | 图像由Epic Games提供 这种玩家参与度的提高对于盈利有重大影响,Epic Games发现,进行跨平台联机的《堡垒之夜》玩家平均每月产生的收入是非跨平台玩家的365%。 “这明明白白地告诉我们,人们把和好友跨平台玩游戏当成了平时每月游戏循环的一部分。”Epic在线服务的总经理Chris Dyl说,“这真的很了不起。”...
Epic uses Kids Web Services (KWS), the leading parental consent and verification platform, for this service. KWS offers several ways to verify that you are an adult depending on which country your child is in. The information provided is only ...
Yes No Can't find what you're looking for? Have a look at these trending tools & articles or let us know how we can help and we'll be happy to assist you. What is an Epic Account ID and where can I find it? CONTAC...