“Constipation has less to do with the number of times you go than it does going infrequently enough that you feel bloated, backed up, or like you have to go but you can’t,” says Dr. Loria. What Causes Vacation Constipation? Any disruption to a person’s daily schedule can interfere...
Learning to control one's bowels is an important developmental step, but some of us take it too far; we discover we can sometimes make this urge go away temporarily if we ignore it for a while, because now doesn't seem like a convenient time. But habitually suppressing this urge can be...
Leave your dog with some recently worn clothes. Your smell can have a calming effect. Fear of Loud Noises When dogs are afraid, they often pee or poop in the house. Loud noises, from the rumble of thunder to the boom and crack of fireworks, are common triggers. While you can’t stop...
It turns out that as gross as it is, eating poop — AKA coprophagia — can actually be natural for him. “Mothers of young animals lick the rear ends of their young to stimulate defecation and to keep their young clean. This can lead to inadvertent ingestion of feces,” Dr. Dundas told...