basically can't trade. Another question is will this change? As of right now I haven't found any reasoning for this, and I'm unsure if its going to be updated or not. I'm hoping this will be updated as if we cannot trade plat we cannot trade for 95% of the stuff on the ...
I just got paris its great for long and mid range combat but extremely hard on mob/short range Am still using the skana So i wanted to get a feel on what melee weapon people use and why I have seen some crazy rhino players steam roll using fists or some of the loki/ash players sli...
I INVITE MY FRIENDS IN MY CLAN BUT THEY DONT RECEIVE ANYTHING IN INBOX 创建帐户或登录来提出意见 你需要成为会员才能提出意见 创建帐户 注册成为会员。只要几个简单步骤! 注册帐户 登录 已有帐户? 请登录。 现在登录 前往主题列表 所有动态 首页 Bug Reports Platform Specific PC Bugs WHY CAN MY...