In the past, being a church leader was an occupation that carried with it the prospect of an untimely demise.
Hannah’s Gardenwas supposed to be one of the novels inspired by a painting by Brian Froud. (I remember de Lint’sThe Wild Woodand Windling’sThe Wood Wifeare two of the others but I forget the fourth. I know they got their novels with his art but I don’t if she or the fourth...
The Sisters Who Would Be Queen: Mary, Katherine, and Lady Jane Grey: A Tudor Tragedy.This article reviews the book "The Sisters Who Would Be Queen: Mary, Katherine, and Lady Jane Grey: A Tudor Tragedy," by Leanda de Lisle.Odom
At the time of Henry's birth, he had an older brother, Arthur, who was destined to become King. It was assumed that Henry would go into the church, and he was provided with an excellent education. His contemporaries described him as an accomplished, intelligent, highly athletic man who wa...