James Monroe was the fifth president of the United States. Besides serving as president, James Monroe was also famous for the...
James Monroe served as the fifth President of the United States of America from 1817 to 1825. Prior to this time he also served as the Governor of Virginia and the Secretary of State. He was the Secretary of State responsible for the Louisiana Purchase under President Thomas Jefferson....
On July 4, 1831, the fifth president of the United States died inNew York City, far from his...Lehrman, Lewis E
with Dunst remarking, “Everyone at the time was like, ‘You’re so lucky you kissed Brad Pitt,’ but I thought it was disgusting. I didn’t kiss anyone else until I was 16, I think. I was a late bloomer.” Look
John Quincy Adams failed to repeat his presidential victory four years after making it to the White House. Adams was in some ways a highly consequential statesman, formulating the Monroe Doctrine, which aimed to bolster U.S. influence over the Western hemisphere. Among its core tenets was a wi...
Marilyn Monroe has been the inspiration for so much art for so long that it’s easy sometimes to not even notice it. Lead singer Joe Elliot of Def Leppard was just three years old when Monroe passed away in 1962, but that didn’t stop her from being his muse for one of the band’...
Billy Joel was finally getting over his recent divorce, which is a much easier thing to do when you’re an internationally famous rock star. So he dated …
fifth president of the United States (1817–25), who issued an important contribution to U.S. foreign policy in the Monroe Doctrine, a warning to European nations against intervening in the Western...
Susan DeFord