The nurse who made me A nnie Altschul, a former professor of nursing at Edin- burgh University, is one m of my role models. The first time I met her properly was in the mid-1980s when she examined my doctoral thesis. Afterwards she encouraged me to publish fr... P Barker,P Cross...
Better information and technology have enhanced awareness. Programs by NGOs and government to bring about positive behavior change have made a difference. MSM are now moving towards a positive lifestyle to improve their quality of life. Since they have more information, they are better able to pr...
Substantial research effort into non-normative sexual behavior in childhood has been made by Friedrich and colleagues, including the development of an instrument to measure problematic childhood sexual behavior (Friedrich et al.,1992,2003). Generally, problematic or non-normative childhood sexual behavior...
Albert Hammond –I’m A Train (Greatest Hits LP) Willie Mitchell –Prayer Meetin’ Yvonne Elliman –I Can’t Explain (feat Pete Townshend) Tony Joe White –Storm’s Comin’ Streetwalkers –Mama Was Mad (Vicious But Fair LP 1977) Jackie Mittoo & Soul Brothers –Home Made Tom Principato ...
World Health Organization, specialized agency of the United Nations established in 1948 to further international cooperation for improved public health conditions. Its tasks include epidemic control, quarantine measures, and drug standardization. Learn m
S.-S.C. and C.-R.L. performed the experiments and contributed to data analysis. M.-L.H. and P.-F.W. contributed to manuscript drafting. J.-F.H., C.S. and C.-R.L. contributed to the supervision of this investigation. All of the authors critically revised this manuscript for im...
Qualcomm’sQTM545 mmWave AiPis their fourth generation mmWave module used in the Samsung Galaxy s22 smartphone. This year, we introduced “60- second insight videos” to provide quick, but informative, overviews on the analysis we’ve done on noteworthy components before you dive into the report...
Exception made to the US, a few countries from Western Europe, and African countries where many different cooperative studies have been carried out assessing different populations and geographic areas such as Uganda, similar limitations as the ones identified by our group have been observed in most ...
“You stay there, and you go to Mecca and do all your thing. And, you know what, you can have a whole bunch of wives, or goats, or sheep, or whatever you want. You stay over there. But in America, see, we’ve made it this great, great country. We don’t want it messed ...