Analysis: Demonstrators in Haiti who favor ex-president John-Bertrand Aristide clash with the government and rival leaders, leaving 14 people deadSTEVE INSKEEP
When former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee ran for president in 2008, the Republican politician blasted Boston’s “More Than a Feeling” at his rallies. "Boston has never endorsed a political candidate," wrote Boston founder Tom Scholz, "and with all due respect, would not start by endorsing...
Mr. Simic visited Mr. Mvogo several times in the detention centre and talked to him on the phone often. It was to Mr. Simic that Mr. Mvogo finally admitted he wasn’t Michael Gee from Haiti, another false identity he had claimed, and was really from Cameroon. But even that...
Haiti Embarks on Return to Democratic Rule President Aristide and Military Leader Who Ousted Him Sign Accord Detailing Four-Month TransitionHAITIAN President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who has been in exilesince September 30, 1991, signed...By Kathie Klarreich...