Tom's an egotistical, self-absorbed, spiteful, and conniving blockhead. "Tom Ryder is one of those people who can’t stand anyone doing something better than him,” Taylor-Johnson says. “His ethos is ‘I’m the movie star. I am the most important, no one should look better than me....
T. JohnsonBeverly A. McPhailViolence and Victimsvan Soest, D., Park, H., Johnson, T., & McPhail, B. (2003). Different paths to death row: A compar- ison of men who committed heinous and less heinous crimes. Violence and Victims, 18, 15-33....
Not only was Johnson a witness when Timlin and White exchanged vows at their intimate courthouse ceremony, but theFifty Shades of Greyactress is also the godmother to both of Timlin and White's daughters. On Johnson's birthday in 2021, Timlinposted a sweet Instagram tributewith a black-and-w...