Of course years later my mother confirmed my dad’s side of the story, by telling him, she tried having me aborted and when that didn’t take, she tried having a miscarriage and that the only reason I was ever born was because of my dad, telling me he was the only one who ever w...
Integrating who “we” are with what “we” (will not) stand for: A further extension of the Social Identity Model of Collective Action Martijn van Zomeren , Maja Kutlaca & Felicity Turner-Zwinkels Pages 122-160 | Received 08 Sep 2017, Accepted 18 May 2018, Published online: 07 Jun 2018...
you are paying several people along the length of the supply chain, you’re repaying the marketing budget used to fund the pro team and there’s a down-payment on future support in case something breaks when you’re “just riding along”. If...