根据更新2024年世卫组织发布的细菌优先病原体清单(Bacterial Pathogen Priority List,BPPL),本文首先评估了目前抗菌药物研发、生产系统在多大程度上解决了重要耐药细菌病原体(drug-resistant bacterial priority pathogens, BPPs)引起的感染,并以此回顾了当前的研发情况,同时引导后续的研发应面向最迫切但尚未满足的医疗需求。
2024年5月17日世界卫生组织发布了最新的“细菌重点病原体清单”(WHO bacterial pathogen priority list,WHO BPPL),这份名单包含了15类抗菌药物耐药(antibiotic resistant,ABR)病原体。2024年WHO BPPL在2017年版本的基础上,更新并完善了抗菌药物耐药性病原体的优先顺序,将其分为严重级别组、高级别组和中级别组三个...
根据更新2024年世卫组织发布的细菌优先病原体清单(Bacterial Pathogen Priority List,BPPL),本文首先评估了目前抗菌药物研发、生产系统在多大程度上解决了重要耐药细菌病原体(drug-resistant bacterial priority pathogens, BPPs)引起的感染,并以此回顾了当前的研发情况,同时引导后续的研发应面向最迫切但尚未满足的医疗需求。
•WHOBacterialPriorityPathogensList,2024:bacterial datacollectionandsharing,andimplement pathogensofpublichealthimportancetoguide investmentstrategiesthatarefocusedonresearch,developmentandstrategiestopreventand addressingtheneedsofvulnerablepatients,controlantimicrobialresistance.Geneva:WorldHealth ...
in chronological order of specimen collection date. A list of WHO PPL bacterial pathogens isolated were prepared by their species (such asE coli), specimen type, and resistance patterns. The list classified pathogens into three main groups (Critical Priority, High Priority, and Medium Priority) for...
pretomanid and linezolidBPP WHO bacterial priority pathogenBPPL WHO bacterial priority pathog 59、en listBSI bloodstream infectionCABP community-acquired bacterial pneumoniaCAP community-associated pneumoniaxiAbbreviations&AcronymsCDAD Clostridioides difgicile-associated diarrhoeaCDC United States Centers for ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) has released a fungal priority pathogen list (FPPL) to prioritize fungal pathogens based on their research and development needs and public health importance. The list categorizes 19 major invasive fungal pathogens into critical, high, and medium prio...
gonorrhoeae has been categorized by the WHO as a high priority pathogen globally and by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as an urgent level threat in the United States (13). Developing an effective gonococcal vaccine is essential because this is the only sustainable ...
twelve bacteria from the WHO priority pathogens list. InFigure 5, the correlations between the seasons are presented. In all analyses, the values of Spearman correlation index between seasons were high. It is suggested that environmental parameters, such as temperature differences, effect pathogen ...
There, she improved the company’s pneumococcal vaccine, nearly doubling the number of bacterial strains covered, from 7 to 13 — and slashing rates of pneumonia, bloodstream infections and meningitis in the process. The resulting product, Prevnar 13, is now the world’s top-selling vaccine. ...