Argues that United States presidential use of force without congressional approval is a contentious and unresolved area of constitutional law, especially with regard to the use of nuclear weapons. Changes in the world order since the end of the Cold War; Significance of ambiguity; Suggestions on ...
Kissinger's outreach to the Soviet Union and China is widely viewed as reshaping the direction of the Cold War. He negotiated the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with the USSR, lowering tensions between the two nuclear superpowers. And he opened backchannel ...
If you love food, then cooking shows are probably your thing. Watching your favorite TV chef whip up mouth-watering dishes can sometimes just be as good as eating them. It’s no wonder that these successful food kings and queens are broadcast to millions of viewers around the ...
So why is Eric Rudolph serving a life sentence behind bars, while Eric Garner serves an eternal one beneath a headstone? While the thoughtless will cite differences in their race; two other differences are more explanatory: Garner confronted the cops who came for him; Roberts evaded capture for...
The explosion of the first atomic weapon over Hiroshima in 1945 is often referred to as the closing event of the Second World War as well as the opening move in the Cold War. Accordingly, the constitutional implications of using atomic, and then nuclear, weaponsP.A. Hemesath...