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Step into the boots of a journeyman blacksmith on a quest to become a master in While the Iron’s Hot, a crafty adventure assembled with mystery, wit, and charm. Forge, smelt, and combine works of metal to grow your smithing skills and discover exquisite new items to create. Explore an...
Reforja el mundo de un herrero Durante mucho tiempo, artesanos legendarios se reunieron en la tierra remota de Ellian para perfeccionar su arte. Llegó el momento de que te unas a ellos. Ponte en la piel de un oficial de herrería que quiere dominar el arte en While the Iron's Hot, ...
英文名称:While the Iron’s Hot 游戏类型: 休闲,解谜,冒险,放松 开发商:Bontemps Games 游戏发行:Humble Games 游戏平台:PC 上市时间:2023 年 12 月 6 日 版本介绍:v1.0|容量2GB|官方简体中文|支持键盘.鼠标.手柄 获取方式:百度云+天翼云(天翼云没会员不限速) ...
趁热打铁 While the Iron’s Hot 在遥远的Elian大陆,传奇工匠们长久以来一直聚集在一起,完善他们的工艺。现在轮到你加入他们了。 在《While the Iron’s Hot》中,你将扮演铁匠学徒,努力学成出师,踏上充满神秘、机智和魅力的匠人冒险。锻造、熔炼和组合金属制品,精进你的铁匠技能,并发现精美的崭新造物。探索充满...
游戏介绍 v1.0.0|容量1.77GB|官方简体中文|支持键盘.鼠标.手柄 在拥有一流工匠的岛屿上重建一座铁匠村!继承铁匠专家的衣钵,踏上充满神秘和魅力的匠人冒险。探索Elian大陆,证明锤子、铁砧和你的智慧可以克服任何挑战
In the faraway land of Ellian, legendary artisans have gathered for ages to perfect their craft. Now it’s your turn to join them. Step into the boots of a journeyman blacksmith on a quest to become a master in While the Iron’s Hot, a crafty adventure assembled with mystery, wit, and...
The meaning of STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT is to do something immediately while there is still a good chance to do it.
12 -- 16:59 App While the Iron's Hot 2024-02-24 20-35-33 3 -- 12:55 App Pine 2022-09-14 21-48-40 14 -- 10:21 App Secret Neighbor 2022-12-28 16-40-15 8 -- 59:29 App No Man's Sky 2022-09-24 19-44-35 ...
Step into the boots of a journeyman blacksmith on a quest to become a master in While the Iron’s Hot, a crafty adventure assembled with mystery, wit, and charm. Forge, smelt, and combine works of metal to grow your smithing skills and discover exquisite new items to create. Explore an...