结果一 题目 my father,(which) had been( on )a business trip(to)india( returned )last friday. 哪个需要修改语法! 答案 which改为who,别把自己爸爸当成物啊 相关推荐 1 my father,(which) had been( on )a business trip(to)india( returned )last friday. 哪个需要修改语法!
5.It was my first trip to India.alone.One day.as I through a local market.a ten-year-old boy came over and begged me to buy a book.(17)whichhad the words Interesting India on its cover.I bought it.thinking that when I returned home it would remind me(
Now, the first thing that happened in Zanzibar, was that I heard from my travel agent, that there was a problem with my return flight back to the UK. They were very sorry, but I’d have to stay on for three extra days – at their expense of course – in a luxury hotel! I ...
我的答案是The Indian tour,而标准答案是Travelling in India. 答案 从字面上来看你的答案也可以,不能算错.但实际上在这种情况下最好用travel,因为出国游一般用travel多一些,tour多指长时间线路曲折,巡回啊之类的.【英语专业八级,欢迎追问】 解析 暂无解析 扫码下载文库App 免费查看千万试题教辅资源...
it feels large on my small(ish) frame. I since got theirSeries 2 Medium Expandable Pack, which expands from 24 litres to 35 litres. The Medium pack would be ideal for short trips and one bag travel adventures. That said, I used the Large pack for a week-long trip, and it’s a go...
It was my first trip to India alone. One day as I __ 41__ (walk) through a local market a tenyearold boy came over and begged me to buy a book __42_ _ had the words Interesting India on its cover. I bought it thinking that when I returned home it would remind me _...
It shouldn't take this much effort, but my wife and I make sure to request our vegan meals more than once, and confirm the selection at the check-in desk (asking if there's a special meal but not telling the agent which type we requested, so we can understand the reality of our me...
He hoped that the trip would give him more ideas and give him a change in life for the better. After he had returned from India he began to live on a farm in California. And then in 1975 Steven Jobs began making a new type of computer. Along with his friend Stephen Woziak he ...
C.he wanted to remember the happy time on the orchard D.the computer was designed on the orchard 小题5:Steve Job’s would be the most important thing for his lifetime success. A.“failure” in school B.stay on the orchard C.travel on India D.new ideas 答案 小题1:B小题...
波形护栏应一次安装到位,波形板安装前需对立柱定位进行( )、波形板安装完成后对波板线型和安装高度进行精调,整体线型直顺、美观、符合设计要求后方可浇筑立柱基础混凝土;钢护栏的焊缝应打磨平整后做防腐或钝化处理。