This is the new gastropexy from Cook. Its pretty easy to use. This short video shows how. Dr Phil Haslam, Consultant Interventional Radiologist Dr Francis Colgan, Interventional Fellow. more 29 January 2015|0 Comments Cook low profile Zenith graft deployment ...
some specialists, such as a vascular surgeon or interventional radiologist, are choosing to operate solely as an OBL because their procedures are reimbursed at a higher rate within the OBL. On the cardiologist side, we see the majority move toward the hybrid model because they want...
In our department at Whipps Cross Hospital 800 oestradiol implants are introduced each year. They may be introduced at between six- and twelve-month intervals. The oestradiol implants are available in 25, 50 and 100mg pellets, the largest being the size of an airgun pellet which are few mill...
This short video illustrates how to deploy the angioseal device for heamostasis Dr Phil Haslam, Consultant Interventional Radiologist Dr John Reicher, Fellow in INterventional Radiology Freeman Hospital Newcastle upon Tyne .. read more 08 January 2020 | 0 Comments Varicocoel embolisation with sp...
Hansen Medical have introduced robotics to IR with the Magellan. This device allows the radiologist to perform angiographic intervention remote from the patient and of course any radiation exposure. It allows precise control of a more 02 ...