For example, the Chanel No. 5 perfume is made in France at the fragrance factory located in Grasse. This factory has been producing Chanel fragrances since 1954, and it’s considered to be one of the most advanced perfume laboratories in the world. Other Chanel perfumes like Chance and Coco...
As Bangkok’s very first department store back in the early 1970s, Siam Center used to be ‘the’ place for Thai teens – all fashionably-decked as they could – to hang out, especially on the white marble staircases upfront. The staircases had now been redone and resized in, well,...
and it’s the richest sheet mask I’ve ever tried. If you’ve dry skin, this one is for you. I used it in the morning, and had some problems to layer my sunscreen, because the essence was just so rich that my skin couldn’t absorb...
A4 Cosmeticsis a small company from Munich whose products I really like – I’m completely addicted to their wonderfully smelling body oil that I featuredhere. They can be found in some perfumeries. If you find them, go on and splurge – you won’t regret it! Baboris another company ...
Gambling personifies the Shakespearean twist of the racetrack. High rollers and drugstore cowboys wager to win. Some men walk out with a grocery cart of recycled cans; some walk out with enough money to buy a racehorse. They leave by the same gate, and the next day, they return for more...
3:10 p.m.— I pick up some vintage Chanel perfume bottles online via Etsy. I’ve always liked the look of them and am thinking of simply displaying them in my closet, or using them as props. I think I’d also like to find a glass cut Chanel bottle, it would look nice. These ...