Commentary on Ruth Phillips's "Where Is Africa?"Artículodoi:10.1525/aa.2003.105.2.477Chris SpringAmerican Anthropological Associationamerican anthropologist
I’ve had this idea for a couple years now that YouTube is the next evolution of musical transmission, in so much as it’s become a virtual substitute for the proverbial front porch banjo lesson. But, instead of sitting cross-legged on the wooden floor while your used-to-be-a-coal-...
Chris(RecordsOgilvie(Records&(RecordsRuth(RecordsSutton(RecordsMunby S., Ogilvie C. and Sutton R. (1987) 'Inset and Records of Achievement: Where do we go from here?' B.J. In- service Ed. Vol.1, 14 No.1 Winter 1987 pp.18-22....