Nobody wants to live each day feeling like they’re running on a treadmill. So, when you start to feel completely overwhelmed by it all, here are some things you
but also a collection of things you’d love to do more often. It helps you get excited about life while gently reminding you why you’re doing what you’re doing.
When you begin to feel better, make it a priority to protect your time, energy, space and health. Before we jump into the reminders that can help you move from feeling overwhelmed with life to being at peace in your own life, consider this. When your feelings are all over the place ...
Bodysurfing a huge wave is exhilarating. But you learn one thing really quick: Beingon topof the wave is exciting. It’s not so fun when that wall of water crashes over you, and you’re sent tumbling out of control. Feeling overwhelmed is a lot like that. Some days … well, you’re...
Learning the basics of meditation is easy, and there are plenty of free resources for this online. Working a regular meditation practice or deep breathing exercises into your routine—even just 15 minutes a day—can have positive effects on how you’re able to handle stress and tension.This ...
So, for those days when things feel upside down, hopeless, or just completely non-stop, here are 25 scriptures to help you focus your mind on and return to the experience His shalom truly brings: peace in the storms of life. 25 Scriptures for When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed “Finally, ...
If you’re feeling overwhelmed at work and fail to address it, it could lead to something more serious: job burnout. The Mayo Clinic defines this term as: “a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity.” The...
Don’t wait until you completely declutter your home. Instead, celebrate along the way. It will make you excited for the next celebration. If you are still feeling overwhelmed or confused about the benefits of decluttering, simply remember that your home is not a container for your stuff, ...
When I find myself feeling lonely, or realize I haven’t spoken to anyone all day (except maybe a barista), I take myself out for dinner or even just an exploratory drink. Sit at the bar, talk to the people around you. New York is good for that. The other night when I felt hun...