Pebble poop—small, hard pellet-like stool—is usually a sign ofconstipation. By increasing your fiber and fluid intake, you can usually go back to having normal stools. Severe cases may require more aggressive treatment, like osmotic laxatives or enemas. If these efforts don't help and pebble...
Morton Kondracke
Helping Parkinson's patients maintain their voices is just one way that music therapy benefits people. A variety of music programmes can improve the mental or physical health of people with numerous diseases and conditions. There are no potential side effects, except, perhaps, g...
Hospice focuses on care, not cure. It’s a specific type of palliative medicine for people who usually have 6 months or less to live and who have stopped treatments for their condition. How Do I Get It? If you feel palliative medicine might help you, ask for it if it’s not offered...