When a company’s return on equity (ROE) is 12% and the dividend payout ratio is 60%, what is the implied sustainable growth rate of earnings and dividends?A. 4.0%.B. 4.8%.C. 7.8%. 正确答案:B 分享到: 答案解析: g = ROE × retention ratio = ROE × (1 – payout ratio) = ...
The record date is the day on which you must be on the company’s books as a shareholder to receive the declared dividend. The payment date is the day the company pays the declared dividend to shareholders who own the stock before the ex-date. Key Dividend Dates All qualified shareholders...
Banks Given Hopes of a Dividend Payout after Revolt over ?37Bn Rescue; Broker: When Lloyds Chairman Sir Victor Blank Arranged the Bail-Out Deal with Gordon Brown, HBOS Was Valued at ?12.2 Billion
aLintner (1956) interviewed managers from 28 companies and concluded that dividends are sticky, tied to longterm sustainable earnings, paid by mature companies, smoothed from year to year, and that managers target a long-term payout ratio when determining dividend policy. Lintner (1956) 被采访的...
We solve the problem of an insurer who decides to optimally allocate a proportion (1—a(t)) of premiums to a re-insurance company (thereby retaining a proportion a(t) of premiums) and who also has to optimally pay dividends c(t) at any time t to shareholders. If the insurer's ...
To our knowledge this is the first evidence in the literature about changes in the timing of regular dividend payments in response to tax law changes. For both actions (specials and shifting), we find that it was more likely for a firm to respond to individual-level tax rates if insiders ...
To our knowledge this is the first evidence in the literature about changes in the timing of regular dividend payments in response to tax law changes. For both actions (specials and shifting), we find that it was more likely for a firm to respond to individual-level tax rates if insiders ...