Bull's charge does more damage and has 300 breakbar dmg while not being an ammo skill and is a leap combo and is 900 range vs 600 from arcane blast so if i had to take a skill for dmg and cc i would rather take bull charge , cause on the long run this skill will be more eff...
he’s so pale that people think he’s albino although he’s not. On one hand, he does conform to my hero standard: calm, very capable but not a showboat, witty but not a comedian, etc. But other than that, he breaks the mold; he’s...
35. “Yes, I understand why things had to happen this way. I understand his reason for causing me pain. But mere understanding does not chase away the hurt. It does not call upon the sun when dark clouds have loomed over me. Let the rain come then if it must come! And let it was...
he runs into an ex-Jedi namedTaron Malicos. Malicos, who has turned to the dark side, does the whole “join me and we can rule the galaxy” thing. While escaping, Cal breaks his lightsaber and heads toIlum
Santa just does his thing and moves on. I can respect that. Best Way To Know For Sure? Use A Santa Tracker. The best way to know for sure how close you're cutting it with your bedtime is to use a Santa tracker. There are several on the internet you can use to keep track of ...
Huston, everybody knows what Yoda said in Star Wars. “Do or do not. There is no try.” This is not going to be a post bashing Street or any other Rockies player for that matter, but I did see something maybe I have never seen with the Rockies-no confidence. In the beginning of...
First, let me say kudos to you for being the adult among children and putting the needs and feelings of your in-laws ahead of selfishness. However, this does not mean that you should be taken advantage of. Do your in-laws have enough income to hire in-ho
period of time than its predecessors: According to USA Today, all of them take place within the same year. That means, within that time, Rey connects with the Force, Kylo Ren becomes Supreme Leader, Darth Sidious returns, the First Order is soundly defeated and Han, LukeandLeia die. Phe...