When your menstrual cycle changesPresents answers to a question on changes in the length of menstrual cycles. Variation in the cycle throughout a woman's life; Effects of hormonal variations, stress and diet on the length of cycles.Lever,...
When Does It Start? What Are the Symptoms? What Are the Stages? Are There Any Tests for Menopause? 4 min read Menopause is the end of a woman's menstrual cycle and fertility. It happens when: Your ovaries no longer make estrogen and progesterone, two hormones needed for fertility. Your...
If you want to shave your legs and underarms, ask your mom or another woman you trust about selecting the safest razor. Someone who is experienced in shaving needs to show you how to shave safely; using a gentle shaving cream, water, and a razor. There are other methods of hair removal...
During the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the Follicular Phase, follicles start to develop in one of the ovaries, stiumulated by the hormone FSH, courtesy of the pituitary gland. At some point, one follicle becomes dominant, probably having had enough of life behind ovary walls, and, ...
What Does Implantation Bleeding Feel Like? It’s normal to wonder if you get cramps with implantation bleeding. Some may experience cramps; if you do, they should be very light to mild. Cramps due to implantation bleeding feel less intense than menstrual cramps. You might also experience early...
The menstrual cycle is designed to ready your body for a successful implantation six to 12 days after ovulation, or when conception would occur. For people using a method such asartificial inseminationorin vitro fertilization(IVF) to become pregnant, steps are taken to optimize the timing and inc...
Normally, the woman does not notice anything and does not realize that implantation has taken place until the pregnancy test is done and she tests positive. Is an anormal implanation of the embryo possible? By Sara Salgado B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist). Yes, it can implant in the wrong...
For women and others who menstruate, it’s common to see blood in the toilet during a menstrual period. While menstrual blood can look like bloody pee in the toilet, it’s not the same. Menstrual blood comes from a different part of the body and is totally normal. During menstruation, ...
The present study seeks to examine whether women endorse benevolent sexism during times of peak ovulation as a way to attract a potential mate. Past research has shown that when women are ovulating, they alter their behavior to conform and appeal to men's expectations. Research has also shown...
In the embryo transfer, the best quality embryos created in the laboratory by IVF/ICSI are introduced into the patient's uterus. It is a simple process that does not require anesthesia and after which the patient returns home with a normal life, but avoi