What if you want a refund? Can you get a discount?So, was GuitarTricks or Jamplay better?Objectively speaking, I would say that GuitarTricks was (and still is) better for learning guitar. Some may agree, some not. Read my reasoning below, and leave a comment if you agree/disa...
When you sing “Happy Birthday” to your Great Uncle Bill, you’re singing a melody. From catchy choruses to infectious guitar riffs, melodies define the music you know and love because they’re the part of music you’re most likely to remember. So melodies are crucial in all forms of m...
I won’t do this too often, I promise, but I’d like to use the beginning of this review as an opportunity to climb up on my ethnomusicological soapbox and do some good ol’ fashioned preaching. I’ve had this idea for a couple years now that YouTube is the next evolution of music...
Do you prefer playing live or being in-studio? “Before this project I’d have said it was all about in-studio, but we’ve got really good as a live band. I’ve appreciated things I didn’t appreciate before about those moments of communication and empathy with an audience. It’s all...